Snapchat Geo filter

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Snapchat Geofilter

[cml_media_alt id='1742']snapchat geofilter[/cml_media_alt]

Photo courtesy of Snapchat

Snapchat Geofilter designing service is one of our newest services we came up with to help people getting perfectly designed snapchat filter for their places or events. As soon as snapchat gave the chance for designers to publish filters, we started in Ibtekarlabs designing and submitting filters. The service was first opened for community geofilters which covers a place, area or city for public. And lately it became available for people and businesses to submit events filters for business or personal purposes.


Snap inc.

Snapchat On-Demand GeoFilters

For People and Businesses

This service is provided for businesses and individuals. Now you can have your own geofilter for Whether it’s a house party or wedding, a coffee shop or campus-wide event, On-Demand Geo filters makes people has the right to choose your designed filter while snapping in your place. You can with this service include Your Logo or Trademark.

Our Work

[instashow source=”” rows=”1″ speed=”3000″ auto=”2500″ mode=”instagram” info=”description” popup_info=”username instagramLink location passedTime description comments” color_gallery_counters=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” color_gallery_description=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” color_gallery_overlay=”rgba(255, 235, 14, 0.9)” color_gallery_arrows=”rgb(163, 163, 163)” color_gallery_arrows_hover=”rgb(249, 218, 8)” color_popup_overlay=”rgba(223, 190, 5, 0.9)” color_popup_username=”rgb(223, 194, 0)” color_popup_username_hover=”rgb(249, 218, 8)” color_popup_instagram_link=”rgb(223, 194, 0)” color_popup_instagram_link_hover=”rgb(249, 218, 8)” color_popup_anchor=”rgb(223, 194, 0)” color_popup_anchor_hover=”rgb(249, 218, 8)” color_popup_controls=”rgb(185, 149, 24)” color_popup_controls_hover=”rgb(99, 99, 99)” color_popup_mobile_controls=”rgb(189, 183, 16)”]

Personal Snapchat GeoFilter

The Personal Geofilter is mainly for personal events and locations and can by used in weddings, gatherings, birthdays, or graduations!. Personal Snapchat Geofilters cannot include marks, logos, or branding for businesses.

Business Snapchat GeoFilter

[cml_media_alt id='1745']snapchat geofilter[/cml_media_alt]
[cml_media_alt id='1744']snapchat ondemand geofilter[/cml_media_alt]

The Business Geofilter is very great for promoting a business or a brand and are good for an upcoming sale at your store, an ad over a space like a coffee shop or an awesome upcoming event!

Graphics Guidelines

  • Do not use logos or trademarks you don’t own or have authorization to use.
  • No photographs of people.
  • No phone numbers, emails, URLs, Snapcodes, download instructions, social media usernames, or personal information.
  • No hashtags.
  • No lotteries.
  • No more than two lines of non-stylized text.
  • Make sure it’s relevant to the location.
  • Ibtekar Labs is not providing this service for any personal or business Geofilter with political content.
  • For additional content restrictions and full guidance please see Snap INC. Advertising Policies and Community Guidelines.


Business Guidelines

  • You must grant Ibtekar-Labs. with the necessary rights and permissions to include any business names, marks, logos, or trademarks in a Geofilter.
  • If you are submitting a Geofilter for a business your Geofilter must include a business name.
  • Please keep in mind Snapchat may display your business name, as entered by you, to let Snapchat users know that your business provided the Geofilter. The business name will appear briefly next to ‘Sponsored’ when a user is previewing your Geofilter over their Snap and this is not displayed to the recipient.


Community Geofilters

Snap inc.

Snapchat Community Geofilters

Community Geofilters are location based overlays that users can apply to their Snaps, which artists and designers can create it for a city, university, a local landmark, or another public location. This service is free of charge by snapchat but submissions must follow snapchat guidlines which we highlighted some of the important ones below:

Places Guidelines

  • Businesses are not currently eligible for Community Geofilters.
  • It should be local and not covering an entire country, state or province.


Graphics Guidelines

  • No logos or trademarks. The only exception is that we will accept college and university logos submitted by authorized
  • officials from those schools.
  • No photographs.
  • No hashtags.

All guidelines are by Snap inc. who has the right to accept or reject any submitted filter, for the entire guidelines Read the Submission Guidelines  page on snapchat official website for more information.


About Our Service

This service is provided by Ibtekar-labs. to design an art-work that matches Snapchat Geofilter guidelines to be submitted to Snap Inc. as a Geofilter. Our role is to make the design and submit it to Snap inc. on behalf of our client only.

  • Snap inc. has the right to accept or reject any design made by us and we have no control on that.
  • Business clients must grant Ibtekar-Labs. with the necessary rights and permissions to submit the design with any business names, marks, logos, or trademarks to Snap inc.
  • While submitting any design it will be under the name of Ibtekar-Labs. and we are responsible of submitting, reviewing, editing and make payments to Snap inc. and dealing with them.

Order Filter Now?

Please mention the purpose of the filter
Please contact us on the following WhatsApp Number: 0566638880 if the filter is required in less than 2 working days.
Please provide google map link if available.
Whats the best time to call you?
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